LiteRider Envy LT


Model: GP161

Weight Capacity: 250 lbs
Length: 33.25″
Width: 22.5″
Operating Range: 7.25 MILES
Maximum Speed: 3.5 MPH


The LiteRider Envy LT Power Wheelchair is both stylish and durable with a tubular design that is unique to the Golden LiteRider family!

The Envy LT features a compact PG Drives Technology nVR2 controller and well-styled joystick designed to make everyday tasks easier such as driving up to a table or maneuvering through a doorway.

The Envy LT has an impressive 28.5? turning radius, making it perfect for indoor or outdoor use, and offers and operating range of up to 7.25 miles on two 12V 18AH batteries. It also offers convenient offboard charging and easy disassembly for transport.

The Envy LT offers excellent value and performance for your active lifestyle!


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